Morpheus highlights by its balance in cannabinoids 1:1
As every year, Buddha Seeds attends one of the most important cannabis trade shows in Europe: Cannafest, which this year celebrates its 9th edition. The event will take place in Prague from the 2nd to 4th November in PVA EXPO PRAHA Letňany and will gather all cannabis professionals, from grow shop, growers and importers. More than 260 exhibitors from 26 countries, among which we will be presenting our varieties of seeds and last news.

Morpheus in Cannafest
Cannafest will be the perfect scenario for the presentation of the new non- autoflowering variety of Buddha Seeds: Morpheus. Morpheus is an hybrid, with relaxing and soothing therapeutic properties, thanks to its high CBD content. Buddha Seeds was highly committed to stabilize the THC and CBD levels in a 1: 1 ratio of up to 20% of total cannabinoids. It is the solution for the contemporary user who aims to obtain important productions together with high percentages of THC and CBD.
This non-autoflowering variety fulfills the mythological saying «in the arms of Morpheus», god of dreams, with whom you will immerse yourself in a psychic excursion without losing lucidity.
Morpheus represents Budda Seeds’ effort to keep working in varieties rich in CBD, as they did before with Medikit in both varieties auto-flowering and no auto-flowering. Buddha Seeds has achieved levels of cannabinoids up to 20% of CBD in some individuals, keeping the flavor. Moreover, Medikit contains just about 1% of THC.
Medikit has valuable therapeutic and medicinal qualities and it’s perfect for relaxing with a controlled psychoactive effect. This variety not only stands out for its high concentration of CBD, but also for its high level of aromatic terpenes. This is something unheard of in this type of CBD varieties, generally with a less pleasant flavor.
Magnum, the Buddha Seeds favourite by Czechs
A total of 19,4% of Czech population aged between 15 and 34 years old consumed cannabis last year, a study of European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) reports. Czechs are between the most important cannabis consumers in Europe, behind France and Spain.
Buddha Seeds has achieved an excellent positioning in the country and shows off to count with the main cannabis distributors, both seeds and grow supply sectors. If there is a variety very appreciated by Czechs, this is Magnum, auto-flowering variety and hybrid from the cross between the most powerful and productive varieties. So much so, Magnum selling went up until 60% in the last year.
Legal situation of cannabis in Czech Republic
Generally speaking, Czech Republic seems to be a country with an open minded and a tolerant attitude to cannabis. From 1998 Prague celebrates Million Marijuana parade, which counts on more followers every year. But even if society supports cannabis, this herb (with more than 0,2% THC) is fully prohibited. That means for growing, selling, carrying, consuming.
Having until 10 grams on you for personal use is considered a crime, which is punished with a fine of 555 euros maximum. In case of selling cannabis, you can go to prison for 1-5 years or 10-18 years, depending on the circumstances.
Czech Republic is still far away from achieving what Canada already did: the legalization of cannabis.
On the contrary, it is allowed to sell cannabis seeds, industrial hemp products, CBD and CBG plus other cannabinoids, apart from THC.
Regarding medical cannabis medical is legal in Czech Republic from 2013. There are few patients that get this legal medical cannabis in the pharmacies. They are allowed to buy some amount each month, but it is either too expensive (much more than on the illegal market) or there is no medicine cannabis on stock in the pharmacies.
From Buddha Seeds we will stay tuned to keep informing you about last cannabis news, not only in Czech Republic but also in every country of the world. Until then, see you in Cananfest!